Acupuncture for people living with and beyond cancer

Many more people are surviving cancer and are able to lead long and healthy lives. However, after treatment ends many people are left with physical and emotional problems resulting from cancer itself or from the treatments used to eradicate it. This is the time when acupuncture can be really helpful: acupuncture cannot cure cancer but it can help people recover and find their way back to the life they once had.

A key problem for many people is extreme tiredness, lack of motivation and self-confidence. In addition, chemotherapy and hormonal treatments may result in severe hot flushes and surgery may give rise to persistent pain, or swelling and discomfort due to lymphoedema. Acupuncture is not a ‘quick fix’ but with its focus on increasing energy and wellbeing, its personalised approach, and its safety, it is there for you when Western medicine says that no more can be done.

A colleague and leading expert in this field, Beverley de Valois, has written a new textbook called ‘Acupuncture and Cancer Survivorship: Recovery, Renewal and Transformation which gives access to her deep knowledge and experience in treating and researching in this area. This has enabled me to undertake further study, update my own understanding and improve my own expertise. The book includes many patient stories and quotes from patients, often collected during research studies and always included in the book with permission.  A few of these quotes are given below and may strike a chord with readers of this blog.

For example, understanding patients heightened worries about needles results in me being very careful to use as few as possible and be gentle.

My first reaction was, I don’t think I can cope with the needles, because after chemotherapy I now have this awful time giving blood, its dreadful, my veins.”

“She was really helpful and if there was anywhere that I was not going to be comfortable having a needles, she would never say, ’We need to put it in here’, we always discussed it at length but she always managed to put them in a bit further away … And then, as I got more used to them, she’d say, ‘Would you mind if I put one in here because I think it would help?”

Beverley has developed clear guidelines about avoiding certain areas of the body in people who are at risk of lymphoedema and researched alternatives so that acupuncture is safe for everyone.

Here are a few more things people say about their experiences of acupuncture:

“Acupuncture has given me some ‘life’. I was just existing … constructive thinking is now possible. Fewer night sweats mean much-improved sleep. Wake with some energy”

“My energy levels. Prior to the treatment, I would return from work at 5pm and by 8.30pm I had to go to bed. I was very tired. After treatment started, The tiredness decreased and I could stay awake till10 or 11pm and still wake up refreshed in the morning”

“I feel much more relaxed and not much anxiety and stress pre and post hot flushes. Still have hot flushes but without attendant embarrassment. Acupuncture was a great experience – emotionally and psychologically”

“I went from 26 flushes in 24hrs day and night and I was almost awake the whole night soaking wet … to about three or four flushes in 24 hours”

People’s experiences of the consequences of cancer treatment are very varied and individual, so don’t hesitate to contact me to talk things over before making a decision to try acupuncture. I am here if you need me.

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Standing up to viruses: acupuncture can strengthen your defences

Winter coughs and colds are nowadays talked about in terms of the virus or bacterium that has infected us. The Covid pandemic has put viruses centre stage – we recognise pictures of them, give them names and personalities, and we have a tendency to feel at their mercy. Covid is an especially dangerous and infective virus, and avoiding contact and getting vaccinated have been important ways of reducing its serious effects. But what should we do now about all the other respiratory infections – the good old ‘coughs and colds’ that are returning to us as we venture out into the world again? Now we are being reminded that these infections can also be pretty miserable and disabling, albeit for a shorter time. You may be getting bad coughs lasting several weeks or recurrent sinus infections that may even need antibiotics. Viruses and bacteria are part of our world, and we can’t sanitise everything.

Fireside by Winifred Nicholson

Now is a good time to remember that our bodies have inbuilt defences against infections and that when these defences are strong, we can generally fend off infections and stay well. However, these defences can be weakened by any bad illness or emotional upset, by overwork or other stress, by age, or you may just have a constitution that is not strong in that area. Acupuncture, based on the theory of Chinese medicine, is an effective way of strengthening our defensive energy. I have successfully treated many patients who were plagued by repeated or lingering colds, coughs and chest infections. Acupuncture does not attack the virus directly but instead it repairs the body’s inbuilt ability to resist or expel infection. The details of the treatment will vary from person to person as it is the imbalance that underlies the weak defence system that has to be addressed. This may include emotional as well as physical factors – I nearly always treat both these aspects of health. Some people have a few treatments and then remain strong: others need a more regular monthly/quarterly treatment to stay well.

In addition to acupuncture treatment, Chinese medicine guides the advice I give to patients about avoiding infections. Although traditional Chinese medicine was unable to see and understand viruses, it did understand that something – they called it a pathogenic factor – invaded from outside. Their knowledge teaches us that to avoid an invasion, especially in winter, it is necessary to keep warm and dry, wear warm layers, and to particularly protect the back of the neck, the lower back and the feet from cold, wind and damp. We should eat warm nourishing food, take moderate but not extreme exercise, and counteract overwork and stress with sleep and relaxation. Keeping our spirits up is always important. Now this may not always be easy in our modern world, but do your best, embrace a quiet winter, and save up your energy and vigorous activity for Spring.

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Acupuncture – evidence from my practice

During lockdown I analysed all of my acupuncture notes for the last 5yrs – who I treated, what problems, number and types of treatment, and to what extent they did, or didn’t, benefit. I have treated 134 patients in my Clifton practice. Two thirds of them were women and nearly half of them were over 60 years old. Most people had less than ten treatments, but I see a third of them more often than this – over a longer period for long-term illness. People come to me with all sorts of problems but the most common are pain in the muscles and joints, and/or mental and emotional difficulties. Peoples’ problems have usually been present for over three months and 60% of patients had suffered them for many years.

So how do they get on? My detailed notes suggest that: – only 1 person got worse, – a quarter were unchanged; a quarter felt a bit or moderately better; half of my patients were either much better or their symptoms had disappeared.

There is no proof that this change is all due to acupuncture, but it gives a flavour of what to expect.

Late summer on the Somerset levels

“People come to me with all sorts of problems”

The question I am most often asked is “what sort of things do you treat?” and the first thing I say is that I treat people, not just particular problems. My analysis confirmed that many people come with more than one health problem and that physical and emotional problems are often closely intertwined. In addition to painful problems with muscles and joints, people seek treatment for chronic respiratory problems, headaches/migraine, digestive and bowel problems, genito-urinary problems , fatigue, and a wide variety of symptoms that Western Medicine find difficult to categorise and to treat. Mental and emotional problems include anxiety, low mood, lack of motivation, and difficulties with sleep.

Chinese medicine does not view each of these problems as needing separate treatment – rather they all result from the Qi (energy/lifeforce) needing strengthening, balancing and helped to flow smoothly round the body. I begin by looking for a common root or basis to the problems and start my acupuncture treatment there. It is fine to be sceptical at the start but being open to a new way of understanding your illness may lead to opportunities for you to take a more active role in the treatment.

The analysis of my practice notes put numbers to some aspects of my everyday experience. Giving and receiving acupuncture is, however, much more than numbers can describe – good communication, a respectful relationship and a focus on each person as an individual are all a vital and enjoyable part of treatment.

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Long Covid – acupuncture treatment and insights

 ‘Long Covid’, or ongoing severe symptoms following an acute Covid infection, remains a distressing problem and one that Western Medicine struggles to understand and treat. Recent research  suggests that it may be due to an over-reaction of our immune system, which produces persistent antibodies that attack our own body systems rather than the virus . These ‘autoantibodies’ are a feature of other diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, so their effects are something that I am used to treating. Chinese medicine views these problems as being due to a blockage in the flow of Qi (or energy) and I use particular acupuncture treatments to clear blockages and help the body systems to strengthen and rebalance themselves.

Struggling up to full health

See my previous blog for more details of Long Covid symptoms and your acupuncture treatment.

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Recovering from Covid-19 – acupuncture can help restore your strength and balance

Are you one of the people who are finding it hard to recover from Covid-19 – maybe with many variable symptoms and extreme exhaustion? What a confusing infection! Some people barely know they have it, others become critically ill and now a different group of people are describing severe longer-term symptoms. While Covid-19 is new to us, I regularly use acupuncture to treat people with similar longer term illness, characterised by low physical and mental energy and a confusing jumble of symptoms. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine treats each person as an individual and focuses on rebuilding physical and emotional balance and strong and dependable energy.

Winifred Nicholson

Kate’s Flowers (1936) by Winifred Nicholson.

The Covid-19 virus is capable of infecting not only our lungs, but also many of our other body systems – such as our digestive system, muscles and joints, nerves etc. In terms of Chinese medicine this invasion gives rise to phlegm, damp, heat, or cold, all of which interfere with the normal circulation of energy, blood and body fluids. Without the normal circulation, the body systems cannot work smoothly and cannot stay in balance with one another. As an acupuncture practitioner I begin treatment by listening carefully to your own experience, asking questions about it and your previous health, and observing you and your pulse and tongue carefully. Then I can piece together how the virus has affected your body, mind and spirit and plan a course of treatment. By combining acupuncture treatment with self-help advice and repeated feedback and adjustment to the plan, we can influence and support the natural healing powers of your body. Not an instant cure – but a road to recovery.

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